Investing In Yourself (Excerpt from

10:09 AM

Up until about two months ago, I had no idea what the stock market was, who Dow Jones is and that, or that in this post-WWII society, “bonds” still existed. Even with a 50/50 chance of success, investing is the key to gaining wealth. People have bought homes, started businesses and become successful through making investments. However, why is it that investing in stocks is more appealing than investing in ourselves?

As a member of the Broke College Students Club (and the Broke Recent Grads Club), the hesitation that comes when people start talking about money is well-received.

“You want me to pay how much for this conference?”
“Why do I have to get a new pencil skirt? This knee-length bodycon skirt looks just like it!”
“I am not paying thirty bucks to attend a networking event – I network at free events all the time!”
While one might think that going the frugal route is best, consider this: If you didn’t invest in a house, would you have the wealth that comes with homeownership? If you didn’t invest in a car, how would you get to and from interviews so that you can eventually pay your monthly payment or service? Thus, we have to ask – If you don’t invest in yourself, how will you become successful?

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