100 Black Men of Greater Columbia Banquet

6:50 PM

This weekend, I was fortunate enough to volunteer with the Admissions Office of my alma mater and the 100 Black Men of Greater Columbia Organization as they put on their annual scholarship banquet! Each year, nearly ten minority high school students are honored with scholarships from the organization to help them reach their potential by aiding them in paying for college (awesome program, by the way!). There were definitely a few times when we were running around like a chicken with it's head cut off, it was overall an awesome experience with great food!  

As you can see, we had a full house! Unfortunately, I didn't get to sit in on the whole thing (between dismissing tables to get food, checking in attendees, and taking tickets), but from what I've heard, the speakers were great! Below are just a few pictures that I managed to snap throughout the event.


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