Manna Monday
8:30 AM
Happy Tuesday everyone! (Yes I know it's Tuesday, yes I know this is still titled Manna Monday - just go with it!) Yesterday, I had this post up and scheduled to go live with another verse that I read about in the "Addicted to Busy" plan that I'm currently reading on the Bible App. Side Note: If you feel like you're always trying to stay busy and it's taking you away from Him, I would seriously recommend you give it a read. Per usual, yesterday I had my own plans but He took over.
The first thing I said when I got a ray of sunshine in my gloomy morning was "Look at God working!" After taking a step back from the situation and getting some much needed rest, I have no idea why I'm so surprised. When has God not working things out for me? He's always been on time and has always had my back so why the surprise now? It's because I didn't have faith in Him to fix it. I was relying too much on my own actions that I didn't even think about what He could do.
The famous saying goes, "If you're gonna pray about it, don't worry. If you're gonna worry about it, don't pray." In the moment, it's hard to think about what He's fixing when all we see are things breaking. This weeks verse that I'm meditating on is about just that: faith.
This week, I am really meditating on this scripture and holding it close to my heart. It's easy to get strayed by these worldly things we deal with daily, but I need to remember that He has the last word.