Adultify Your Morning Routine
10:30 AM
Nowadays, it seems
like everything has been "adultified." The same way our grocery
shopping habits have started including more fresh fruits and veggies rather
than Ramen noodles and Pop-Tarts, our mourning morning
routine must be adultified as well. Even though waking up for work sucks just
as bad as waking up for an 8AM class, these guidelines will help you create a
morning routine suited for the adult we all wish we could be.
First and foremost, stop hitting "Snooze." I too find it
incredibly hard to drag myself out of my comfy bed at 6:45 in the morning but I
try my hardest not to hit snooze. Here's why: when you hit snooze and roll over
for another 10 minutes of shut-eye, your body starts to re-enter sleep mode. There's
no possible way that your body can get any true rest from 10 minutes because
you're entering into a sleep that you can't finish. Which is why you feel so
groggy and exhausted when you actually do get up and end up needed two cups of
coffee just to make it to 10 o'clock. Move that alarm clock across the room so
that you absolutely have to get up. You'll hate it for the first five minutes
but you'll set you body up for success!
Start your day with something you love. Every
morning, I turn my television to TNT and watch half an episode of
"Charmed" before I go to work. (Yes, it's weird. Nope, don't care.)
It's been one of my favorite shows since I was seven or eight. Even though I've
seen all of the episodes, I still watch it every single morning. Why? Because
I'd rather start my day off with something I like than sluggishly get dressed.
TV just happens to be mine so find yours! Turn on some music, listen to a
podcast - expose yourself to something that you really like before making your
way to work.
Make a couple
minutes to read over your to-do list. If
you're anything like me, you have lists on top of lists on top of lists in your
planner. I've condensed the number of lists to one or two per day so I'm
getting there. But what really helps is actually seeing what I've got to do
first thing in the morning. Normally, as I am doing my hair, I start looking
over my list from the day before. Actually seeing what I have to do that day
puts me in the mindset to be productive.
Grab something for breakfast. I personally can't eat breakfast at 7 AM and
last until noon or 1 o'clock for lunch. It just ain't happening. But I will
grab a yogurt or make an omelet to eat when I get to work an hour later. They
(whoever they are) don't say breakfast is the most important meal in the day
for nothing. Get your body ready to take on the day! You can run only so far
without something to break your fast (get it?) and two cups of coffee doesn't
Pray or meditate and catch up. I have read many
articles that say you're supposed to pray or meditate as soon as you wake up.
Well guess what? As soon as I wake up, all I care about is making it to work on
time. Not to say that I don't value and love my time with The Lord, but first thing
in the morning, I find it really really
hard to concentrate on my scripture. That's why I save this moment for my car
ride. It takes me about 20 minutes to get to work. I spend half of that time
either praying or thinking about the message on Sunday. The other half is spent
reading theSkimm
or listening to a podcast or radio show. I think it's pretty important to know
what's going on in the world so I always try to stay in the know!
Right before you
walk into work or class - it's time for a pep
talk. My pep talk consists of two deep breaths and me saying:
"Kayla, you're the shit. So don't take anyone else's. But be nice because
you still have bills to pay." Selfish and conceited are two completely
different things. Liking yourself and encouraging yourself is totally
necessary! Compliment yourself and hype yourself up before going to starting
your day.
What's part of your
morning routine?