Blogging with PeekABoo PrettyGirl
8:54 AM
Excuse my absence over the past couple of weeks! Life has gotten pretty intense and I haven't been able to catch my breath, let alone catch up with this blog. Long story short, I'm slack...and I'm sorry! But, I just wanted to keep you guys abreast of what I've been up to lately.
A few weeks ago, I wrote about the local nonprofit PeekABoo PrettyGirl's celebration. Since then, I've been serving as the Public Relations chair and assisting with the planning and implementation of their events. Well, today, I'm happy to share that I am officially a PABPG blog contributor! I'm so thankful for the opportunity and am excited to finally have another organization to dedicate my time to.
In college, I was extremely involved in every aspect of campus life. I held positions in my sorority, was a team captain for Relay for Life, served on behalf of the university's minority recruitment team, help multiple internships and worked part-time. Going from all of those commitments to one job has been a huge adjustment. Volunteering with PABPG has been a HUGE help and I'm really excited about this opportunity! Check out a couple of the blog posts that I've written so far and stay tuned for more to come.
For those of you that don't know about PABPG, PeekABoo PrettyGirl is non-profit organization located in Columbia, SC. We are dedicated to empowering girls and women of all ages, through both physical and mental development! Our primary goal is to help aid young ladies and women exceed in personal growth, both internally and externally. For more information, visit
What nonprofit orgs are you working with? I'd love to hear!