First Post! (Yay me!)
6:11 PMHello world! This is my very first post on my very first blog! (How exciting is this?!) First things first - allow me to introduce myself: my name is Kayla Alexander & I'm a current sophomore at the University of South Carolina, majoring in public relations and minoring in Spanish...or graphic design...or writing... Let's just say that i'm a tad bit indecisive about everything. In the future, I'd love to work as a writer at Glamour or Essence Magazine and do freelance work just about everywhere else. I'm definitely not one to sit still so I will be traveling in the near future and writing all about it! In case you haven't noticed yet, I'm a writer: I'll write about anything and everything so get prepared to read! Now, I'm not gonna lie. I have absolutely NO clue as to what this blog will be about.This blog was originally intended to be just for my Principles of Journalism class but I can already tell that I'm gonna be using this thing a lot more often. I might just end up putting everything that I deem important enough to put in here (which of course will be everything).
So, that's enough about me. I guess I should start working on this project for class before I start blogging about everything else!
Thanks again for reading!